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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Super Junior 3D & Thai Express @ Vivocity

Sophia and me met up after work on a weekday to watch Super Junior 3D movie! But before that, we went to have dinner at Thai Express with Jon Lee! Long time no see him and had a good time catching up...

Sophia's Green Curry Noodle....

My Green Curry with Rice...

Since Jon Lee has the membership, we made use one of the previliage given and order a birthday platter to share....

Overall, the food was quite good. We were all very full cos we each order a avocado drink which you should try cos it's really nice!

Time for our show!!!

This is the most expensive movie that I ever watch! Super Junior 3D costs me $30 dollars...Anyway it was a quite a nice "close-up" to see the boys which they showed thher Seoul concert version...

A quick snap when the movie started...

As the show starts, the cinema girls went screaming here and there. Every now and then, there will be scream and cute giggling whenever they see their favourite boy! Haha... I was laughing cos I wasn't as "crazy" as them thou I like the boys too!

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