My noodles....
Dear ordered "Dan Dan" with soup...
Each of us already have one serving of noodles but we "tan chi" so ordered a plate of fried beehoon which is very nice! They have the "ru ruo" and its gravy added onto the noodles so the fragance and taste is good....
After our brunch, we headed towards "Shilin" station where you can take "Red 5" bus to go to Yangmingshan 陽明山. Saw this quite shop name which is cute! "Miao Miao Guang" & "Wang Wang Guang". I was hoping to see some "Miao Miaos" or "Wang Wangs" inside but to my disappointment, there isn't any...
We waited for about 20 minutes before the bus came and always remember to sit on the left side to have a better scenary. As Yangmingshan 陽明山 is a 山 meaning mountain, so you will have to travel up! Sitting in the 45-60 minutes, something caught my attention...
It's their teachers headquarter! My gosh...This is about my 3/4 journey up when I saw this! I even tweeted immediately about this cos I really pity the teachers who have to come here especially for training or to submit whatever documents. Imagine the timing travel!
Anway did I missed out saying there were a few school (elementary and even one of their university) which is along the route to Yangmingshan 陽明山 (about 30 minutes) from where I board the bus...
Anyway upon reaching the end bus terminal, I realised that we still need to take another "Xiao Ba" Bus 108 to really reach Yangmingshan 陽明山!
Each trip of bus 108 is NT15 but I heard for unlimited trips is NT60. We paid NT45 per pax which means a total of boarding the bus 3 times cos there are different stops for you to alight along the way which you can explore on foot...
Scenery along the way up! The bus was really driving fast up and down the hill....
But if you are sitting down, no worries just sit back and relax. But if you are standing, make sure you grab on to their handles and balance well...
First stop: We alighted at the 4th stop of the bus if I remembered correctly. And as we started walking around, we got disgusted by a strong smell which we were trying to figure out until we see this...
If you do not know, Yangmingshan 陽明山 is still an active volcano which steam and sulphur is still present! The strong pungent smell was the smell of sulphur! It smells like ammonia which most of us experienced it during our science laboratary lessons...
However despite the smell, it was a great view to see it! Something that I have never seen before...
You could even see a small puddle of water boiling cos it was so hot...
We continued moving to the next stop by bus. Most of you should have heard that that there is "Wenquan - spring" at Yangmingshan 陽明山 so we actually went to look for it...We found it but it was a cold spring. It is split into male and female rooms so me and mum, Dear and bro (in pair) went to check it out!
To our horror, it is all naked women and men inside separately taking the cold water for bathing! My mum had a quick peek and when she saw it, her face went "sour" and walked out immediately. Haha it was so funny... and the guys also was giggling when they came out of their sightseeing... haha...
Anyway just in front of that place, there is a small area where you can soak your legs...
The water seems milky and muddy but it was due to the sulphur content. But the water was hot! But measurable hot temperature comfortable for soaking legs.... We took a soak for about 15 minutes and simply enjoyed it. Took a while to persuade my mum to try...
Dear and bro soaking their legs...
Anyway it is free of charge, no harm trying it....but do remember to have a towel or tissue to dry your feet after that! We made our way back and headed for C.K.S Memorial Hall 國立中正紀念堂. Along the train ride from Jiantan station to C.K.S Memorial Hall station, I saw this interesting poster...
No smoking, drinking and eating on trains... haha so cute! We were a little hungry so we bought some sushi to eat along the way. The sushi are cheap over there!!!
We took a short break and sit along the pavement to have our sushi. As there were some small birds nearby me, I took a few grain of rice and threw out! To my surprise and was shocked, a flock of birds all flew in...
A close-up shot of the birds....
I have previously came here before a few years back but didn't really take any photos... So this round took quite a handful to share...
Inside the hall was a large bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek to commemorate him...
Beautiful sunset...Awesome
Mum, me and Dear....
Just as we were about to leave, we saw a group of soldiers marching out....
We realised that it was their flag lowering ceremony which is conducted daily at 6pm. Thus we decided to stay on as a typical tourists... haha...
Dear was commenting that all the soldiers was quite tall and good-looking! I do agreed with him also! Haha... He also mentioned for such ceremony, usually all the solders they picked are about the same height and must be presentable (good-looking in other words) as they are representing their military force in the public.
Most important, this is a tourists' place which means lot of photos will be taken by the public. I guessed I am refering to myself! Haha...
The whole flag lowering ceremony took about 15-20 minutes. The whole process is very systematic...
The marching platoon still have to march back all the way from the starting point... As usual, typical us left after the ceremony and didn't bother to stay on seeing them marching off....
This is Part 1 of my Day 3, stay tuned for Taipei Day 3 (Part 2) in my next blog....
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